We mounted the Entaniya Fisheye HAL250 on the 8K camera demo of Astro Design. and tested it.
We got a super-sharp VR image taken with an 8K camera without a low pass filter.
Multipurpose 8K Camera | Astro Design
This test used a prototype model of a multipurpose 8K camera.
This camera has a Super 35 sensor and an MFT mount.
Entaniya Fisheye HAL250 4.3mm|Entaniya
The lens is Entaniya Fisheye HAL250 MFT 4.3 mm that demonstrates 8K performance.
Horizontal viewing angle:250°
Vertical viewing angle:210°
Sample Video

zoom up

Partially enlarge the shot image (100% display).
You can see that the details are more detailed than what you see with the naked eye.
It looks like this on a map.
*The 8K camera we tested this time is still at the stage of prototype adjustment. Therefore, the sample videos are posted in a fairly compressed format.